Tips for Celebrating

  1. Celebrate failure

    Adults with ADD (or ADHD) often take failure personally as proof of their own stupidity. Getting it wrong is the first step to getting it right. Understand what went wrong so it doesn't happen again.

    Thomas Edison made more than 1000 attempts (failures) before he made a successful light bulb.

  2. Celebrate small steps forward

    We work for rewards. Adults with ADD have difficulty staying focused on big projects because the reward seems so far away and imaginary. Recognize and reward each small step forward to have that feeling of satisfaction often.

  3. Celebrate little things

    You got to an appointment on time; pat yourself on the back, share your success with someone who will celebrate with you. You remembered to return the books to the library with only one reminder. Think about how you did it. Plan to do it again and give three cheers.

  4. Train a friend to celebrate with you

    Other people usually do not understand how difficult small steps are for adults with ADD; they may belittle your efforts to manage yourself. Choose friends who will understand what ADD means and train them to celebrate with you.

  5. Laugh often

    Laughing makes us feel good. No surprise! A hearty laugh boosts serotonin, the feel good neurotransmitter. You can laugh at your little mess-ups: the spilled milk and keys forgotten; it puts them in a lighter perspective. You don't need to have something funny to laugh at; there are now laughing clubs where you can laugh in company. It's great for the immune system too.

  6. Have an Unbirthday party

    Why wait for birthdays to have a party? Getting friends together helps strengthen relationships and provides a chance for networking. If planning parties is too much for you, get a friend to help.

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