Coaching Key to ADD
About Sarah Jane
About ADHD
How does ADHD feel?
What does the research say?
Women and ADHD
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What is Pseudo ADHD?
Coaching for ADHD
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A self report quiz for ADD, ADHD, or AD/HD
This is not a diagnostic
tool, but if three or four of these events frequently effect your life you may wish to seek more information.
My piles of stuff have baby piles.
I sit on tasks until they hatch.
I start many projects, but complete few.
I get bored easily.
I try and I try, but I can't seem to reach my goals.
When people are talking, my mind goes fuzzy.
I make decisions impulsively without stopping to think about the long term effects.
I can't get started on tasks.
I never seem to achieve what I set out to do.
I go overboard eating, drinking, shopping, working.
I fidget, tapping a pencil, swinging legs.
I don't see myself as others see me.
I'm fearful, but others think I take risks.
I say things without thinking and sometimes get into trouble.
I'm often surprised when others get angry with me.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by thoughts chasing around in my brain.
So many things to do but I can't decide where to start.
I commit to too many things that I can't deliver. |
Call me for a free half hour chat |
To learn more about ADHD: